Online bipolar disorder treatment with Makin Wellness​​​​​

Get clinically-proven online bipolar disorder treatment from specialized therapists.

Online bipolar disorder treatment with Makin Wellness​​​​​​

Get clinically-proven online bipolar disorder treatment from specialized counselors.

We accept insurance

highmark mental health providers
United Healthcare
Aetna online therapy at Makin Wellness

How online bipolar disorder treatment works

Brief assessment

Answer a few questions about yourself

Personalized match

We'll match you with your bipolar treatment specialist (typically within 24 hours)

Start bipolar treatment

Begin the journey towards a happier you via phone or video sessions

Woman feeling better after receiving bipolar disorder treatment

The benefits of choosing online bipolar disorder treatment with Makin Wellness.

Start clinically-proven online Bipolar Disorder Treatment today

Personalized treatment

Start your bipolar disorder treatment with a personalized plan. Our therapists understand your challenges and goals, tailoring therapy to your needs.

Research backed care

We're here to make a difference. Our bipolar specialists use evidence-based methods, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and more, to help you effectively manage your compulsive behaviors.

Convenient therapy

No more commuting stress. Our client-friendly online platform offers bipolar disorder treatment at your doorstep. Schedule weekly sessions on your terms, from your own space.

Measurable progress

Track your bipolar journey with clear goals and results-oriented therapy. Studies show that you can reduce your symptoms in about 6-12 months at Makin Wellness.*

Bipolar specialists

Your online bipolar specialist receives monthly training to stay up-to-date on the latest treatments and research, ensuring you get the best care possible.

Symptom relief

You can find relief from the agonizing symptoms of bipolar disorder, such as mood swings, impulsivity, and dysfunction.

3 tips for starting online bipolar disorder treatment

Establish routines

For bipolar disorder, consistency is key. At Makin Wellness, we provide scheduled sessions at the same day and time for your convenience.


Create a quiet space, test your internet, have tissues and water nearby, and mentally prepare for an empathetic session.

Set realistic goals

Set achievable goals, communicate with your therapist, and be patient with your individualized bipolar disorder treatment plan. Consistency and open communication are essential.

PSTD Therapy

Help is available with our highly-rated online bipolar disorder treatment

If you’re considering online bipolar disorder treatment, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, it’s important to find a therapist who is a good fit. This means finding a therapist who specializes in and has experience in treating individuals with bipolar disorder or similar challenges.

It’s also important to find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable. This may take some time, but it’s worth it to find a therapist you can trust and feel at ease talking to. Finally, be sure to ask about the therapist’s approach to bipolar disorder treatment and what they believe you can gain from it.

American, male with bipolar disorder on phone call session

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Allison M.You are in great hands
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Makin Wellness offers the highest level of customer care in the industry. I am so impressed with their level of detail, care, follow-through and focus on each of Makin Wellness' clients. You are in great hands with this amazing group.
Dan R.Compassionate
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Very compassionate people. First time ever attending their office. Very helpful and look forward to their service in the future.
Andrew F.Wonderful
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My meeting with Makin Wellness was absolutely wonderful, professional, and thoughtful all while remaining sensitive to my needs. They spoke to me as an individual, not as an illness or insurance number...
Kelsey K.Highly Recommend
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I would recommend Makin Wellness to anyone! The staff is so professional and they all genuinely care to talk with you. They provide so many unique services and the staff wants to help you grow and heal. I highly recommend them!
Sayna M.Amazing
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Amazing service! They are super kind and friendly. They helped me get my furry best friend ESA registered. It was super easy to schedule an appointment and I got my ESA letter released to me the same day!
Matthew A.Fantastic
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My therapist helped me to reduce my anxiety. Thanks so much, Chelsie & Makin Wellness!
HankThey really do help
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Caring, supportive , helpful and everything mental health should be. I have seen my counselor in office & online. Both have been great experiences. Their video sessions are very easy to use and I enjoy meeting without having to leave my home.
Dean D.Makin truly cares
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This place truly cares for everyone's mental wellness, including their employees. Healing really happens here. Therapist are friendly and genuine. No one would care about how much you know unless they know how much you care. Everyone cares here, all you have to do is schedule an appointment and the rest will be history.
Chadrick W.Great company
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Makin Wellness is a great company. They give you a chance to receive service online. Their whole staff is very caring and understanding.
Cynthia G.Passionate
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The team is truly amazing! They really are passionate about the work they do and are committed to people living healthy and happy lives.
Jatimi B.10 stars
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Makin Wellness, my one regret is that we didn't meet sooner. Thank you for staying on top of your profession. I wish I could give you guy's 10 Stars.

Highest rated online therapists & counselors in Pennsylvania

Makin Wellness provides a safe, caring environment with only top-rated specialists. We provide secure online therapy & counseling that fits your life. With a results-based, individual approach, our goal is to help you heal and become happy again. Start online therapy today.

5 FAQs about dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

Navigating the intense mood swings of bipolar disorder can be challenging, and DBT is designed to be your ally in this journey. The core of DBT’s effectiveness lies in its emphasis on emotion regulation. It provides you with practical skills to identify, understand, and manage these intense fluctuations. Imagine DBT as your personalized toolkit, offering a range of techniques to help you stay in control during both the highs and lows of bipolar disorder.

During therapy sessions, you’ll work on recognizing patterns in your emotions, understanding your triggers, and learn specific strategies to regulate them. This might include mindfulness exercises to ground yourself in the present moment or distress tolerance techniques for times when emotions run high. By developing these skills, you gain a sense of mastery over your emotional experiences, allowing you to navigate the challenges that bipolar disorder presents more effectively.

Absolutely! DBT recognizes the overwhelming nature of racing thoughts during manic episodes and introduces mindfulness-based practices to provide relief. Mindfulness is like a soothing balm for your mind. It encourages you to stay present and non-judgmentally observe those rapid thoughts without getting entangled in them. Through mindfulness exercises, you’ll learn to create a mental space that allows you to witness the thoughts without being carried away by their intensity. This newfound awareness becomes a powerful tool in managing the cognitive aspects of manic episodes.

DBT teaches you not to resist these thoughts but to acknowledge and let them pass without getting caught in their whirlwind. By incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine, you’ll find that you’re better equipped to cope with the cognitive challenges that accompany manic episodes.

Your relationships matter, and DBT recognizes the impact that bipolar disorder can have on your relationships. DBT addresses this by focusing on interpersonal effectiveness. It’s like a crash course in effective communication, assertiveness, and boundary-setting. These skills are particularly valuable when bipolar symptoms, such as irritability or impulsivity, may strain relationships.

In DBT, you’ll learn how to express your needs assertively, actively listen to others, and navigate conflicts constructively. By improving your interpersonal skills, DBT not only helps mend strained relationships but also empowers you to foster a supportive environment. A strong support system is crucial for effectively managing bipolar disorder, and DBT equips you with the tools to cultivate and strengthen these connections.

Absolutely, and it’s a transformative aspect of DBT. If negative thought patterns are like a persistent cloud, DBT introduces cognitive restructuring to let some sunlight in. This process involves identifying and challenging distorted thoughts, gradually replacing them with more balanced and realistic ones. It’s like rewiring your cognitive responses to stressors.

In DBT, you’ll work with your therapist to pinpoint specific negative thought patterns and examine their validity. This could involve looking at evidence that supports or contradicts these thoughts. Through this process, you’ll develop a clearer mindset, reducing the likelihood of being pulled into depressive or manic states triggered by distorted thinking. It’s about gaining control over your cognitive responses and fostering a more adaptive and resilient mental framework.

Adaptability is key when managing the challenges of bipolar disorder, and DBT is your guide to building adaptive coping strategies. It equips you with distress tolerance and crisis management skills, acting as a strategic plan for when challenges arise. Think of it as preparing for various scenarios, so you’re not caught off guard.

DBT’s focus on practical, solution-oriented approaches enhances your capacity to manage the complexities of bipolar disorder. Distress tolerance skills teach you how to ride out intense emotions without resorting to impulsive or harmful behaviors. Crisis management plans developed in therapy become a blueprint for navigating challenging situations, ensuring you have a structured and proactive response.

By incorporating these adaptive coping strategies, you become more resilient in the face of bipolar disorder’s uncertainties. DBT doesn’t just provide theoretical knowledge; it’s about arming you with practical tools that you can use in real-time to navigate the ups and downs of bipolar disorder.

Online bipolar disorder treatment with Makin Wellness​​​​​​

Get clinically-proven online bipolar disorder treatment from specialized counselors.

3 tips for starting online bipolar disorder treatment

Establish routines

For bipolar disorder, consistency is key. At Makin Wellness, we provide scheduled sessions at the same day and time for your convenience.


Create a quiet space, test your internet, have tissues and water nearby, and mentally prepare for an empathetic session.

Set realistic goals

Set achievable goals, communicate with your therapist, and be patient with your individualized bipolar disorder treatment plan. Consistency and open communication are essential.

PSTD Therapy