Take Our 8-Question ADHD Test for Adults: The First Step Towards Diagnosis and Relief

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Are you feeling overwhelmed, constantly distracted, or having difficulty concentrating?

Do you think you have ADHD and it is negatively impacting your career or daily tasks?

If so, our Makin Wellness ADHD test for adults can be a helpful first step in diagnosing ADHD.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), formerly known as ADD, has many symptoms that can disrupt productivity levels and day-to-day life. This article will provide a simple adhd test to help you identify current behaviors consistent with ADHD symptoms.

Let’s discover some ADHD facts, take the ADHD test, and discuss the process for receiving a formal diagnosis.

Facts about ADHD

Although about 15 million people in the U.S. experience this condition, ADHD in adults is significantly underdiagnosed. This is because the original criteria for diagnosis was designed for children.

These diagnostic requirements do not consider that adults often have one or more mental health disorders that exist concurrently with ADHD, which can mask the symptoms of ADHD and prevent an accurate diagnosis.

Some examples of disorders that exist together with ADHD are:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Personality disorders
  • Substance abuse disorder

Less than 20% of adults with ADHD are currently diagnosed or being treated for their symptoms. Our self-assessed online ADHD test starts identifying symptoms and behaviors that can be associated with ADHD. From there, we suggest discussing your assessment results with a Makin Wellness therapist or doctor for them to decide definitively if what you experience is ADHD. The result can be an official diagnosis, leading to helpful accommodations, skill building, and other resources to help you navigate your symptoms and daily tasks.

young woman sitting on her bedroom floor, looking at her clothes everywhere, overwhelmed and stressed because her adhd is stopping her from cleaning

Common ADHD symptoms

Depending on the type of ADHD you experience (inattentive, hyperactive, or combination), there are a general set of symptoms that professionals look for to determine if ADHD is present – the first part of diagnostic testing.

ADHD symptoms can vary in severity – the other half of diagnostic testing – and how they show in each person. For example, you may find that how a symptom manifests for you is different than how it shows up for someone else. 

Symptoms of ADHD include difficulty with the following:

  • Paying attention
  • Staying organized
  • Managing time
  • Planning ahead
  • Following instructions
  • Completing tasks

Additionally, adults with ADHD may struggle with the following:

  • Impulsivity
  • Restlessness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Distractibility

It’s important to remember that each person experiencing different levels of ADHD experiences them on a spectrum. While some people may have difficulty focusing on tasks at only certain times or in certain situations, others may feel like they are constantly struggling to keep their attention on a task. Some individuals tend to be impulsive, while others often feel fidgety or restless.

ADHD in women

Women are often overlooked when it comes to suspecting or diagnosing ADHD. This is because symptoms are demonstrated differently between boys and girls.

Symptoms in women and girls are often attributed to other causes or cultural implications.

Symptoms can include:

  • Inattention
  • Overly sociable behavior
  • Forgetfulness
  • Overly talkative
  • Time management difficulties

Women also experience some additional symptoms:

  • Women with ADHD are more likely to have low self-esteem than men.
  • Inattentiveness is more common than hyperactivity and impulsivity in women.
  • Women with ADHD are more likely to have generalized anxiety disorder and phobias than men with ADHD.
young woman at a table at the library taking an online adhd test on her tablet.


ADHD Test for adults

For your answer to each question on this ADHD test, consider your current and past behaviors over the last 12 months and what symptoms affect your daily life.

Questionnaire for adults who may think they have ADHD:

  1. Do you often find it difficult to pay attention, even when someone is directly speaking to you?
  2. Do you need help organizing tasks and activities, such as prioritizing or keeping track of deadlines and appointments?
  3. Do you frequently lose or misplace items necessary for daily life, such as keys, cell phones, or wallets?
  4. Do you find yourself fidgeting or tapping your feet or hands frequently, even when trying to sit still?
  5. Do you jump from one task to another without completing the first?
  6. Do you often feel restless or on edge, frequently needing to be in motion or engage in physical activity?
  7. Do you often interrupt or talk over others in conversations or finish other people’s sentences?
  8. Do you struggle with impulse control, such as blurting out comments or making decisions without thinking through the consequences?

If you answered “yes” to several of these questions, it might be beneficial to speak with a healthcare provider or a Makin Wellness professional about your concerns. Our specialized therapists can help assess and determine whether ADHD may impact your daily life and guide treatment options.

Treatment options for ADHD in women

There are various treatment options for ADHD, including online therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Women with ADHD may experience additional challenges due to hormonal fluctuations, reproductive health concerns, and societal expectations.

Some effective treatments for women with ADHD include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to learn coping strategies and tools to manage symptoms and grow underdeveloped executive function skills.
  • Medication management with a healthcare provider or psychiatrist can help manage a lack of focus or motivation to do daily tasks or work.
  • Increasing physical activity as a way to reduce restlessness and impulsivity.
  • Mindfulness practices to improve focus and decrease stress levels.
woman sitting beside her window, overlooking a nature scene, eyes closed in peacefulness


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is largely underdiagnosed for women because current assessments were originally developed for children, and women tend to show ADHD symptoms differently than men do.

Identifying your most significant pain points, symptoms, and obstacles in your daily life is the first step to understanding how your brain works. If you answered Yes to multiple questions in our ADHD test above,consider seeking a professional assessment through a qualified counselor at Makin Wellness.

Once a proper diagnosis is made, treatment symptom management and skill building can begin. This is precisely what you need to know to start improving your quality of life despite an ADHD diagnosis.

Living with ADHD symptoms can be difficult. Help is just around the corner.

When scheduling with a Makin Wellness counselor, they will decide if an ADHD assessment is suitable for you. Upon a diagnosis, if appropriate, they will tailor a personalized treatment plan for you to get started with understanding your symptoms and how to work with your brain to improve your symptoms over time.

If you are ready to take charge of your mental health and ADHD symptoms, call us at (833)-274-heal or start here to schedule an appointment with one of our specialized ADHD counselors. We are ready to help you accomplish what you want by understanding what you need.


More resources:

The Truth About ADD: ADHD Symptoms And 4 Steps To Get Help

Discover The Symptoms Of High Functioning Depression And Explore The 5 Coping Strategies To Find Relief

Discover The 7 Benefits Of Online Therapy At Makin Wellness

Picture of Sara Makin MSEd, LPC, NCC

Sara Makin MSEd, LPC, NCC

All articles are written in conjunction with the Makin Wellness research team. The content on this page is not a replacement for professional diagnosis, treatment, or informed advice. It is important to consult with a qualified mental health professional before making any decisions or taking action. Please refer to our terms of use for further details.

Refer to our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy page for more information.

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