Teen Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Online Therapy

Teen Depression: Causes, Symptoms, and Online Therapy | makin wellness | online depression therapy

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Teen depression is a challenge that can affect both adolescents and their parents. Understanding this condition, its signs, and how to cope with it is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore teen depression, offering insights, research, and statistics. Whether you’re a teenager grappling with depression or a concerned parent, knowing more about this issue and the available resources is essential. At Makin Wellness, we’re here to support both parents and teens in managing and overcoming teen depression.

Understanding Teen Depression

Being a teenager is a unique phase filled with changes and challenges, and it’s common to experience ups and downs. However, if feelings of sadness persist and interfere with daily life for more than two weeks, it might be an indication of teen depression. Research shows that approximately one out of every eight adolescents faces depression, making it a prevalent issue.

Why Does Teen Depression Happen?

Teenagers face various reasons that may lead to depression:

  • Academic Pressure: Concerns about school performance and feelings of inadequacy can contribute to depression.
  • Social Challenges: Peer relationships, social status, and acceptance can significantly impact emotional well-being.
  • Family Dynamics: Family life and relationships within the household can influence feelings of depression.
  • Environmental Stress: External stressors, such as traumatic events or environmental factors, can trigger depression.

It’s essential to remember that depression can affect teenagers from all backgrounds. If persistent sadness continues despite efforts to engage in enjoyable activities or connect with friends and family, seeking professional help is a wise choice.

Symptoms of Teen Depression

Recognizing the symptoms of teen depression is vital for early intervention. Adolescents with depression may exhibit various signs, including:

  • Persistent Sadness: Feeling sad or hopeless most of the time, even without a clear reason.
  • Loss of Interest: No longer finding enjoyment in activities or hobbies they used to love.
  • Sleep Changes: Alterations in sleep patterns, such as excessive sleep or insomnia.
  • Eating Habits: Significant changes in eating habits leading to weight gain or loss.
  • Behavioral Changes: Irresponsible behavior, skipping school, and difficulties with decision-making.
  • Physical Complaints: Frequent physical complaints like headaches, stomachaches, or fatigue.
  • Guilt and Shame: Experiencing excessive or inappropriate guilt and shame.
  • Social Withdrawal: Avoiding social situations, withdrawing from friends, and feeling isolated.
  • Preoccupation with Death: Thoughts or discussions about death and dying.
  • Risky Behaviors: Engaging in risky activities like substance use or risky sexual behavior.

Research indicates that teenage depression often coexists with other mental health conditions, such as anxiety. Therefore, it’s essential to address these symptoms promptly.

Can Teen Depression Run in Families?

Yes, depression can have a genetic component, and adolescents with a family history of depression may be more susceptible to the condition. Understanding your family’s mental health history can provide insights into your risk factors for depression.

Diagnosing Teenage Depression

Diagnosing teenage depression involves comprehensive assessments and interviews conducted by healthcare professionals. These evaluations may include discussions with the teenager, their family members, teachers, and peers. The severity of depression and the risk of suicide are determined through these assessments, with treatment recommendations tailored to individual needs.

Screening for depression and related conditions in adolescents has become increasingly important. The United States Preventive Service Task Force recommends screening for anxiety in children and adolescents aged 8 to 18 and for major depressive disorder (MDD) in adolescents aged 12 to 18.

Treatment for Teenage Depression

Effective treatment methods are available to address teenage depression, ranging from therapy to various forms of support:

  1. Psychotherapy: Different forms of psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can help teenagers recognize and manage negative thought patterns. Family therapy may also be beneficial, especially when family conflicts contribute to depression.

  2. Supportive Environment: Adolescents need support from their family, friends, and teachers to help with school or peer-related problems.

  3. Combination Treatment: A combination of therapy and other supportive measures has shown promising results in relieving teenage depression.

Research supports the effectiveness of therapy in alleviating symptoms in adolescents. Combination treatment, involving therapy and support, has been found to be particularly beneficial.

Warning Signs for Teen Suicide

Teenage depression carries a high risk of suicide, making it crucial to be aware of warning signs, including:

  • Expressing hopelessness for the future.
  • Giving up on oneself and feeling as if no one cares.
  • Preparing for death, such as giving away possessions or writing goodbye letters.
  • Using drugs or alcohol to cope with mental anguish.
  • Defiant behavior and violent tendencies.
  • Threatening to commit suicide.

If a teenager displays any of these behaviors, immediate help from a mental health professional or a suicide hotline is essential.

What Can Parents and Teens Do to Alleviate Teen Depression?

Coping with teenage depression can be challenging, but there are steps both parents and teens can take to navigate through it:

For Parents

  1. Replace Shame with Positive Reinforcement: When disciplining your teen, focus on positive reinforcement for good behavior rather than shame and punishment.

  2. Allow Mistakes: Let your teenager make mistakes and learn from them. Overprotection can undermine their confidence.

  3. Give Space: Allow your teen room to grow and make decisions independently.

  4. Avoid Reliving Your Youth: Don’t impose your own experiences and expectations on your teenager’s activities and choices.

  5. Listen Actively: If you suspect your teen is depressed, listen to their concerns attentively.

  6. Keep Communication Open: Encourage open dialogue, even if your teen seems withdrawn.

  7. Seek Professional Help: If you feel overwhelmed or unable to reach your teen, consult a qualified teen depression specialist at Makin Wellness for guidance.

For Teens

  1. Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or teachers who can provide emotional support.

  2. Open Communication: Talk about your feelings and concerns with someone you trust.

  3. Professional Help: If you believe you are experiencing depression, consult a qualified depression specialist at Makin Wellness for online therapy.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and seeking help is a courageous step towards healing. At Makin Wellness, we’re here to support both parents and teens in managing and overcoming teenage depression. Early intervention and support can make a significant difference in your life.

Picture of Sara Makin MSEd, LPC, NCC

Sara Makin MSEd, LPC, NCC

All articles are written in conjunction with the Makin Wellness research team. The content on this page is not a replacement for professional diagnosis, treatment, or informed advice. It is important to consult with a qualified mental health professional before making any decisions or taking action. Please refer to our terms of use for further details.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jay

    It’s so frustrating how no matter how many times I try to explain to my mom that I’m a moody teen because of some of these reasons (depression, adhd, confusion, bullying, LITERALLY EVERYTHING A NORMAL FUCKING TEEN GOES THROUGH?!), and she STILL yells at me and manipulates me into saying sorry to her when it should really be the other way around. She always threatens to take away my internet privileges, which is absurd considering school’s ending and I only have 3 IRL friends (one being my girlfriend), and majority of the people I trust and love talking with are online, so taking away my connection with those people is just going to make me more miserable, especially considering the fact I’ve had suicidal thoughts & practiced SH in the past. It’s hilarious to me how she thinks she’s the reason I haven’t actually killed myself yet, when really it’s my biological mom, my online friends, my 3 IRL friends, and my two cousins (one being a toddler who I really want to see grow up). My other cousin lives far away and we don’t even talk all that much, so the fact I’m more willing to live for her than my own mother just makes me laugh.

    1. Makinwellness

      Hi Jay. Thanks for sharing your story. We understand that how you feel is real. However, we have found that finding someone you can talk to and process these things with goes a long way. If you ever feel this could help you contact our Makin Wellness team, we’re here to help.

  2. Henry Killingsworth

    I thought you made a good point when you mentioned that counseling can be a good support system when it comes to helping teenagers that are miserable. I would think that it could be a good idea to send troubled teenagers to some kind of youth ranch that helps with these issues. This kind of youth ranch seems like a good way for a teenager in this kind of situation to get some much-needed healing.

  3. Teen Depression

    Teen depression is something that’s eating our society right now. It’s a silent one, that we won’t even know that young people are suffering from it. I love that you share this piece as it also spread awareness to everyone. Depression is something that’s often hiding away from the smiles of person around you.

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